Facebook Marketing | Strategic planning consultancy/Internet Marketing https://adversiondigital.com Autopilot Leads And Appointments Mon, 08 Jul 2019 11:18:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 The 5 Things People are Going to Your Website to Find https://adversiondigital.com/the-5-things-people-are-going-to-your-website-to-find/ Mon, 08 Jul 2019 11:16:43 +0000 https://adversiondigital.com/?p=713 Building a website for your business is a great way to attract new customers and keep in touch with old ones. What many business owners miss, though, is that customers expect certain things from your website.

This is not a one-way relationship. If you’re going to build a website, you need to ensure that it offers the things that your customers expect to find. Here’s an overview of the top five things customers want to see on your website and will leave if they can’t.

1. Your NAP Information

First things first, your website should contain your name, address, and phone number. While this seems obvious, these are things that many website owners forget. This is a significant problem and easily avoidable.  

Customers who cannot find your phone number also cannot call you. Considering how many website searches start with local intent, it’s downright silly not to have your address on your website.

If you don’t post your address, phone number, and name, customers don’t know where to locate you, how to get in touch with you, or really anything that they need to know to do business.

With this in mind, keep yourNAP information up-to-date and on your website. As a general rule, it should be large, centrally located, and easy for customers to find no matter where they are on your site.  Bonus points for making it clickable.

If you have a separate business and mailing address, use your physical address on your website. That’s mostly the one that customers will be looking for, and is an essential one to present to them.

2. Contact Forms

In some cases, customers aren’t necessarily looking to call you right away. They may have a complaint, may have a question, or may have some other inquiry that they would rather submit via email or contact form. As such, it’s ideal to offer an electronic means of contact on your website.

This is also essential for small business owners who can’t always get to the phone, and don’t have a dedicated gatekeeper. Email addresses that are unfamiliar tend to be picked up by spamming Bots so many small-business owners set up contact forms on their website. These forms work on WordPress sites or other similar platforms. For best results keep them short and to the point.

3. Pricing Information

One of the first questions. The only way they’ll get an answer to this question is if you post pricing information on your website. With this in mind, respect everyone’s time and make your prices clear, easy to understand, and simple for your customers to navigate. Customers want to know that they’re working with a person.

Your website should have extensive pricing information. This will give potential customers an idea of the level of service they want to purchase before contacting you.

Not only will this help you come off as upfront and honest to your customers, but it will also save you plenty of time on the phone explaining your pricing and going back and forth. To avoid issues with publishing your pricing, be sure to update pages frequently and inform long-standing customers of any price changes.

4. An “About Page”

Customers want to know who they’re working with, what your company is all about, and what drives you. Because of this, it’s essential to offer a comprehensive, detailed, unique about page.

Although thisabout page will vary depending on who you are and what your company’s mission is, the general must-haves for an about page include your company’s background, a bit of information about the founders or managers, a breakdown of your services, and a general expansion of your company’s elevator pitch.

Your website, no matter how short or long it may be, should always have an about page that explains your experience, your company’s values, and what makes you unique.

5. Social Media Links

No website is complete without some social media links. To keep your customers coming back for more, offer social media links right off the bat. They should be prominent, featured at the bottom of each page on your website, and should link directly to the social page and question.

For best results, use matching social media icons to take customers to your various pages. When customers can find your social media effortlessly and easily, they’re more likely to follow, share, and interact in the ways that you want them to.

Additional Tips to Make Your Website Better for Customers

Once you’ve ensured your website meets the above requirements, you’re well on your way toward a functional and helpful site. Are there things you can do to make it better, though? Of course! Here’s your step-by-step guide to a better site, made simple.

  • Improve Your Images. One of the easiest ways to make your website higher-quality and more customer-facing is to reboot it with images. Think of a set of fresh images like a coat of fresh paint: it’s the perfect, low-cost way to improve your site design and ensure your customers have something nice to look at. If you’d like to, you can hire a photographer to refresh your website images. This is an option for marketing companies with a larger budget, as this will be a relatively expensive option. If you’re looking for a lower-cost alternative, consider investing in a few excellent stock images, instead. Sites likePexels andShutterstock offer high-resolution free or paid stock photos that you can use throughout your website and other marketing materials.
  • Improve Your Typography. A strong typeface is ideal for setting your website apart from the rest. Ideal for creating hierarchy and visual interest, typography is an excellent way to make your website more modern and beautiful. Not sure which typefaces go together?  This breakdown fromCanva is a great way to see which fonts pair together nicely.
  • Add a Video. Did you know that the human brain processes visuals 60,000x faster than text? With this in mind, consider adding a video to your website homepage. An excellent way to give your customers an immediate breakdown of your company, and ensure they know what they’re getting by visiting your page, a video is an excellent addition to any high-quality website.

A Better Website Starts Here

There are dozens of ways to improve your website, but they’re not all created equal. When it comes time to build it, the first thing you must do is ensure you’re offering the experience customers want. By giving them the five things they’re coming for, you can enhance interest and ensure they have a positive experience. Take this one step further with the bullet points above for a site that will knock your buyers out of the park!

The 5 Things People are Going to Your Facebook to Learn https://adversiondigital.com/the-5-things-people-are-going-to-your-facebook-to-learn/ Fri, 14 Jun 2019 12:30:27 +0000 https://adversiondigital.com/?p=702 Today, there are more than2.23 billion monthly Facebook users. This represents an 11% increase from last year. In case you had any doubts about the functionality of Facebook, this statistic should put it right to rest.

As if that weren’t enough, there are also 1.15 billion people using Facebook on their mobile device each day, which represents an increase of 23% from last year. With all these people on Facebook, we’ve got one question: what are they coming to learn?

If you’re not familiar with Facebook as a platform, or you’re working on ways to make your interaction on the network more functional and effective, the first step is understanding what these people (or at least your portion of these people) want from you. What are they coming to your page to learn? How can you give it to them as effective as possible? What can you do to make your interactions on the platform more effective and straightforward?

Here’s your complete breakdown.


Why You Need a Facebook Business Page


If your business does not have a Facebook page yet, its time to make one. With upwards of 60 million active Facebook business pages, participating in on this social platform is now becoming essential to ensure you’re connecting with your customer base.

Based on the sheer size of Facebook, having a presence on the site is an effective way for your business to gain the insight it needs to be successful in the social media space. A Facebook business-centric feature called the Insights tool allows for real-time updates on how your content is performing and your followers’ responses or lack thereof. This useful and compelling data for a business in the midst of creating a strategy for delivering strategic content.


Creating a Customer-Centric Facebook Page: What Users Want

With so many customers on Facebook, it’s essential to ensure that you’re giving your clients what they need. If you don’t know what those things are it’s impossible to make it happen. Fortunately, we’ve got the answers to those questions. Here’s what customers are coming to your Facebook page to find out:


1. Customer Support

One of the primary reasons customers come to a Facebook page is to locate customer service. Facebook is the ideal platform to respond publicly to customer inquiries, as well as a great place to provide one-on-one private conversations.

Today, more than 1 billion people use Facebook Messenger each month. That’s a huge number! Since it’s integrated automatically with each Facebook page, though, it stands out as a powerful tool for answering customer questions and ensuring your clients are getting what they need from your page.

Facebook users and businesses right now send more than 1 billion messages daily. This is a huge amount, and yet 87% of all customer queries on Facebook go unanswered. While this isn’t great for the customers issuing unanswered questions, it represents an opportunity for companies who want to capitalize on the customer service offerings of the platform.

Wondering how best to deliver customer service on the platform? Chatbots are a great option. They respond immediately to customers and are a great way to ensure customers are getting what they want from your business.


2. Deals

Everyone loves a bargain, and your Facebook audience is no different. If you’re like most Facebook users in your own right, you probably find yourself following many brands just because you know they’re posting outstanding deals, codes, and giveaways. You’re not alone in this. Today,35% of all Facebook users like pages so they can participate in promotions.

Not sure what kind of contests you should be running? Caption-style contests are a great option, as they bring in more than 5.5x more comments than other posts. You can also feel free to use your creativity to find a contest type that works for you. No matter what you do, it’s essential to ensure you’re providing value for your customers. This is the key to winning their hearts for good.


3. Content


The most important part of Facebook is content. While customers come to your page for dozens of reasons, content is one of the most central and essential. While it seems obvious, you’d be shocked to learn how many companies share content on Facebook that’s more confusing than it is helpful.

No matter what you do, don’t forget that customers are coming to your page to learn more about your company, and they need to know that you’re going to make it worthwhile for them. Sharing information and content is the best way to do this. No matter who you are or what kind of business you run, your content should be informative and useful. Make sure it’s relevant to your business and industry.


4. Information


Lots of customers start their interactions on Facebook for the sake of finding out where your company is located, what your hours are, or how they can interact with your brand more effectively. With this in mind, be sure you’re offering the information your customers need.

YourNAP information should always be current and up-to-date, for example, and should change whenever any of the information within it does. You’ll also want to update your hours according to your holiday hours and anything else that may change.


5. Community


Facebook users want to share the things they love with other people. When someone loves a brand or product on Facebook, they naturally want to share that product and brand with other people. This is where the importance of the community comes into play. Think about how you foster community in your daily life.

The same goes for people on Facebook. They want to come to your page to find a sense of community and excitement. This is essential. With this in mind, encourage interaction among your Facebook community. Ask questions, promote a vote on a selection of choices, and watch your participants create discussions and keep comments going. It’s a great way to foster community on your digital page.


3 Fast Features of Every Great Facebook Page


Checked off all the essentials? Here are three features to add to your Facebook page to stand out from the crowd:


  • Plenty of photos. Only have a few, low-quality photos of your building, office space, or products? Change this up, starting right now! Customers are highly visual creatures, and they want to be able to flip through their fair share of beautiful photos when they come to your social page.


  • Fresh content. If your page doesn’t have fresh content, you’re missing out. In addition to posting your own pages, blogs, and materials, be sure to share items from other companies or similar pages in your industry. As a general rule, 80% of your posts should be original to you and your brand, and 20% should be curated from outside sources.


  • Quizzes. Encourage customers to get interactive with your brand by offering creative, unique quizzes. Not only are these fun for your customers, but they allow you to get to know your customers better and to use that information in future marketing.


Welcome to Your New, Customer-Centric Facebook Page!


Facebook doesn’t have to be a difficult place to interact. And as we stated above, its time to finally make one or to overhaul an outdated page. By focusing on your interaction in the ways above, you can create a customer-centric Facebook page that which engages potential consumers while continuing to grow your brand.

Need help overhauling your Facebook page? Contact our team today to learn more.

5 REASONS YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS TO POST TO FACEBOOK 2X A DAY, EVERY DAY https://adversiondigital.com/5-reasons-your-business-needs-to-post-to-facebook-2x-a-day-every-day/ Tue, 12 Feb 2019 14:03:08 +0000 https://adversiondigital.com/?p=599 If you run a business, you know there are dozens of reasons to be on Facebook. The first is that Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, and that there are millions of people who use it daily.

The truth is, how you interact on Facebook makes a major difference in the overall trajectory of your business. If you’re not posting regularly or posting the right things, you risk missing out on traffic you could be earning. Fortunately, there are ways to get around this and to create a social posting strategy that truly works for you and your life. Moreover, one that works for your business.

Here’s what you need to know about why interacting more on Facebook is such a great idea.

The Benefits of Facebook Interaction

First things first: why does interacting on Facebook matter so much? Here are a few things you should  know:

  • Facebook messenger has more than 600 million users
  • There are 20,000 people on Facebook every single second, which amounts to 11 million users on Facebook every 18 minutes
  • Facebook users are accessing Facebook from their mobile platforms 79% of the time
  • 50,000 messages are sent on   every minute
  • 500,000 Facebook likes each minute
  • Every hour, Facebook generates $1.4 million in revenue
  • Facebook earns $2.5 billion a quarter from mobile advertising
  • People share 1.3 million pieces of content each minute on Facebook
  • Facebook’s user base is 66% millennials

Why You Should Post 2x Daily on Facebook

When it comes to Facebook, there’s a solid two-a-day rule that holds pretty true. There are many reasons for this. The first is that posting twice a day is essential for any company with a substantial Facebook following. In these cases, posting twice a day is almost literally the only way to maximize clicks and engagement on content.

There are also many other reasons to post twice a day on Facebook. Here are some of the largest:

1. Posting Twice Daily Hits Your Entire Audience

Facebook’s algorithm has undergone many changes in recent years. Because of this, posting twice daily is one of the best ways to ensure that you’re actually reaching your entire audience. If you only post once a day, you’ll miss certain audiences that aren’t on Facebook at certain times.

When you post twice a day, you’ll hit your entire audience and ensure that everyone sees the content you have to offer. What’s more, posting twice a day is a great way to reuse content or share new material with people.

2. Posting Twice a day Keeps You Accountable

It’s easy to lapse when you start posting on Facebook. Fortunately, committing to a twice-daily posting schedule will keep you accountable and on top of things.

This is especially true for brands that are looking to create solid and specific outcomes for their brands. When you post twice a day, it’s easier than ever before to do this.

3. More Engagement Means More Sales

It’s simple math: the more engagement you get on your Facebook page, the more sales you’re going to make. Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • More engagement on your page means a higher rank for your page
  • More reach on your page means more traffic to your website and blogs
  • More reach for your blog posts means more clicks on your posts
  • More sales mean more money for you and your company

Think all these results sound great? Perfect, but you can’t achieve them without posting regularly to Facebook. Unless you spend a significant amount of time on the platform, your customers won’t reward you with their engagement or interaction.

With this in mind, keep your engagement on the Facebook platform routine and regular. It’s the best way to create more engagement and, ultimately, to drive more sales.

4. Facebook Wins for Referral Traffic

Of all the social media platforms out there, Facebook drives the most referral traffic of anything. Compared to Pinterest, YouTube, and Twitter, Facebook is the heavy-hitter when it comes to driving traffic and keeping your brand in front of customers. In December of 2014, for example, Facebook drove nearly 25% of all web referral traffic, compared to the 31.24% driven collectively by all other social sites combined. If you’re still using search as your primary source of traffic, this major boost in social referrals could be a huge boon for your company. Especially as search traffic continues to change, social media referral traffic continues to become more important. The catch, though, is that you can only take advantage of this social referral traffic if you frequently post on the platform.

5. Facebook Currently Houses More Than 40 Million Active Pages for Small Business Users

While it may seem like there’s no reason to put yourself in the line of fire and compete with 40 million other small businesses, this is more of a “keeping up with the Joneses” situation.

If you’re not on the same platform as 40 million other competitors, you’re going to miss out on traffic, sales, and conversions that should have and could have been yours. With this in mind, it pays to get onto Facebook, carve out your niche, and commit to a regular posting schedule for the sake of keeping your audience engaged and attached.

The Case for Facebook

Facebook is a powerful marketing platform, and it deserves an active spot in your marketing arsenal. If you’re not posting twice daily on the platform, though, you’re not using it to its full potential. By posting twice daily on the platform, you stand to increase engagement with your customers, ensure your posts are reaching your entire audience (rather than just part of it), drive attention around your sales, events, and promotions, and create a dynamic and exciting Facebook page experience that will keep customers coming back for more.

If you’re having trouble maintaining the 2x weekly Facebook posting schedule, one of your best options is to enlist a professional agency that will work with you to ensure you’re managing the platform the way you want to, and that your customers are getting what they need from your agency.

Our team is here to ensure you get quality Facebook posting and management services, no matter what kind of company you run. Contact us today to learn more about our social media engagement services, or to select your ideal package now.

The 7-Point Facebook Ad Checklist that Will Get You Results in 2019 https://adversiondigital.com/the-7-point-facebook-ad-checklist-that-will-get-you-results-in-2019/ Mon, 21 Jan 2019 10:31:50 +0000 https://adversiondigital.com/?p=527 We are rounding the corner on a new season, and it’s just about time to start thinking about your Facebook ads for the upcoming holiday season and New Year. If you’re like most marketers though, this is not something you’re looking forward to. Understandable! Facebook advertising is a moving target.

Between all of Facebook’s recent algorithm updates and the increasing traffic on the platform, it’s harder and harder to get noticed. As a result, marketers frequently dread the prospect of creating Facebook ads. After all, what works and what doesn’t? How do you create advertisements that do their job and grab the attention of users? What if your ROI goes up in flames because you create a bad add?

There’s a lot to be concerned about, and many reasons this isn’t a fun task. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way. If you know the secrets to create successful Facebook ads, it gets much easier to hit the ball out of the park every single time.

With that in mind, here are seven top tips to create Facebook ads that drive results in 2019 and Beyond.

Facebook Ads, by the Numbers

Curious why Facebook ads matter, or what the state of the platform looks like today? Here are some Facebook ad stats to consider:

7 Essential Elements to Make Your Facebook Ads More Productive

Whether you’re new company is looking for a way to give your Facebook posts a leg up, or an established company that wants to be more effective on the platform, these 7 tips are great place to start:

1. Stay Creative

Remember when everybody was talking about the “content sea?”  Allegedly, it was this massive pool of content that, if you failed to be creative, you risked drowning in.

Companies that didn’t float sunk to the bottom of the content sea, never to be found again. Although it might be a hokie metaphor, it works well for Facebook. With billions of daily active users, it’s easy to see how you have to come up with a gimmick to stand out. To put this another way, if you’re not creative on Facebook, nobody’s going to pay attention.

This doesn’t mean that you need to go over the top and make your ad so creative that readers don’t know what you’re saying. It does, however, mean that you need to come up with a way to provide true value to your readers, preferably in a way that your competition doesn’t already do. Snappy, memorable copy, high-quality images, and a very distinct voice are all must-haves when it comes to interacting on the Facebook platform.

2. Solve Customer Problems

In recent years, advertising has changed. Whereas it used to be enough to put out ads that pushed your customers to buy things, today’s advertising methods are much more personalized. Customers today have so many purchasing options that they’re not interested in your pitch. They don’t need to know why your company is better or more unique.

They don’t need your hard-sell. Instead, they want to know how your items, goods, or services can help them. If what you’re selling isn’t solving their problems, they’re not going to be interested. Enter your Facebook advertisements. For them to be as effective as possible, they need to call out a customer’s pain point directly.

From there, they need to go on to demonstrate some ability and awareness and willingness to fix it. This is essential, when it comes to writing your Facebook advertisements. Do not skimp on this.

3. Showcase Benefits

This is advertising 101. Today, successful advertisements showcase the benefits rather than the features of a product. While features are rational, benefits are emotional. Today’s customers are looking for products that they can connect to emotionally.

As such, a company that showcases the benefits of its products successfully in its advertisements will get greater results. Making the benefits of a product clear allows customers to envision your product solving their ultimate problem and making their lives better. It’s the first step to creating a customer/company relationship that will last for years.

4. Include Social Proof

One of the most powerful things you can do on your Facebook advertisements is include social proof. The reason for this is simple. Customers have objections. All customers have objections, no matter how high-quality or dedicated they may be. Your job as a marketer is to find a way to get around these objections.

Social proof in the form of testimonials is an expedient and intelligent way to do this. Today, customers trust other customers. In fact, about 72% of Shoppers say they trust a customer’s recommendation as much as much as they would word-of-mouth from a friend. With this in mind, consider adding testimonials to your Facebook advertisements. These can be especially helpful when it comes to the holiday shopping season and New Year-focused products.

5. Use Power Words

Power words are essential when it comes to creating high-converting ad copy. Think of it this way, power words are the motivation that pushes your customers over the edge and encourages them to make a purchase.

When you use these elements in your advertisements, it becomes much easier to create compelling copy. Wondering what power words are? Think of words like suddenly, now, introducing, amazing, Sensational, quick, easy, hurry, and more.

6. Use FOMO to Your Advantage

If there’s one place the “fear of missing out” can be your friend, it’s in Facebook advertisements. Fortunately, this works to your benefit when it comes time to write your ad copy. To make them as compelling and urgent as possible, don’t be afraid to use a little bit of FOMO to your advantage. Stressing that your offer is only available for a limited time, that customers have to ask now, or that the price is expiring within a certain number of days or months is an exceptional way to drive interest and encourage more rapid conversions.

7. Make Your CTA Specific

Although a call to action might not help you get noticed in the sea of Facebook advertisements floating through your customer’s news feeds, it will go a long way toward helping your customers find direction. With this in mind, make your calls-to-action as specific as possible. They should tell the customer exactly what you want them to do, how you want them to do it, and what will happen when they do.

More Powerful Facebook Ads Start Here

Today, Facebook advertising is a science. Although it can feel impossible to predict what will work and what won’t, these tips are a great way to skyrocket your Facebook at efforts and ensure you’re not wasting time. By following these seven tips, you can enjoy a higher return on investment, and more effective Facebook advertising both now and in the future.


Need help creating Facebook ads for your company? Contact our team today!

Money Megaphone System https://adversiondigital.com/money-megaphone-system/ Thu, 25 Oct 2018 14:45:38 +0000 https://adversiondigital.com/?p=414

Why (& How) You Should Verify Your Franchise Client’s Facebook Business Page https://adversiondigital.com/why-how-you-should-verify-your-franchise-clients-facebook-business-page/ Wed, 17 Oct 2018 19:29:48 +0000 https://adversiondigital.com/?p=304 Did you know that 16 million local business pages have been created on Facebook as of May 2013? Bet I can guess the look on your face right about now…

why verify a franchise client's facebook page

If you can believe it, that number is only going to continue to explode. So, what does that mean for you?

Well, there are a lot of franchise owners out there using Facebook as a way to market their products or services. And, in that crowd, there are bound to be some “posers” as we like to call them. You know, franchise wannabes. Imposters. Fakes. Frauds. You catch my drift…

That being said, how can you help your franchise client illustrate to their ideal customers that their business is real and one that can be trusted in the digital world?

By making use of a top-notch Facebook feature: page verification. Chances are, you’ve probably seen this a time or two before, whether it was on a global brand or public figure page. Or, even a local business page.

For instance, on a verified global brand or public figure’s page, you might’ve seen a blue checkmark.

why verify a franchise client's facebook page

On the other hand, you might’ve seen a grey checkmark on a page of an organization, company, or local business.

why verify a franchise client's facebook page

That simple blue and grey color-coding system is just what the popular social media platform decided on to keep various types of pages separate. But, it makes you trust the brands that are doing this even more, am I right?

You bet. But, because page verification isn’t a requirement in the Facebook world (yet), maybe you want to know the exact reasons as to why you should do it in the first place to offer up a legitimate explanation to your franchise client. Not to mention, how to get it done quickly and easily for them.

If that’s the case, you’re in the right place. Today, we’re covering both of those things—why (and how) you should verify your franchise client’s local business page on Facebook right about…well, now!

I won’t keep you waiting any longer…

First things first—why do it in the first place?

1. Powers up authenticity and credibility levels.

As Kissmetrics states so eloquently, “The more virtual our lives get, the more we hunger after something genuine.” Reason being, we’re communicating with others behind a screen—whether it’s via a computer, tablet, or cellphone—more often than we are face-to-face.

And, sometimes (depending on the circumstance), you just never know if the person you’re speaking with on the other end is really who they say they are. The last thing you want to do is be catfished!

why verify a franchise client's facebook page

So, in this case, how do we know that a page on the popular social media platform is who or what it says to be? Sometimes, it can be incredibly difficult to distinguish. The grey checkmark that’ll appear once your local business page is verified, however, serves as Facebook’s stamp of approval, so to speak.

It illustrates that Facebook has marked your client’s business page as authentic and official. And, that gives their business a boost in the eyes of their ideal customers. After all, we—as potential customers—want to know what we’re about to “like” is reliable, trustworthy, and legit. When we’re given a reason to believe that (via verification), we tend to confide in that particular brand even more.

2. Weeds out the “poser” or obsolete pages.

Think of the world’s top celebrities—like Brad Pitt, for example. I bet you he has some “poser” pages out there of people pretending to be him across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You think so, too?

Well, let’s take a look…

why verify a franchise client's facebook page

Those are just a few of the “poser” pages on Facebook alone. I couldn’t even fit all of them in a single screenshot! Yikes.

Okay, so maybe your client’s biggest worry isn’t people posing as them via Facebook pages. But, maybe they created a page back in the day that they forgot about. They tossed the login info that was quickly jotted down on a sticky note into a random manila folder, which then disappeared into thin air.

Hey, it happensThat duplicate, abandoned page, however, can definitely create some confusion for users as to which one they should click on. And, better yet, which one they should like for information and can’t-miss updates from here on out.

Therefore, verifying your client’s “real” Facebook page can help solve this dilemma because it’ll convey it’s the official page of the franchise company. No more confusion and no more obsolete pages taking away your views and fan numbers. I think that calls for a little happy dance!

3. Helps boost your page’s visibility.

Algorithm upgrades have a way of constantly throwing a wrench into your goal of getting greater reach and likes for your client’s local franchise page. I mean, once you feel like you have everything in the bag, doesn’t it seem as if Facebook comes around again and turns your ad agency world upside down with new updates, News Feed formulas, and more?

And on top of that, because your client’s audience is naturally limited by the area they serve, local marketing by means of Facebook can feel like an uphill battle at times. But, I’m happy to say I’ve got good news for you!

Once you verify your client’s page, Facebook will actually give you a reward of sorts—aka ranking the page higher in search results thanks to that shiny new verified badge of yours. How sweet is that?!

Plus, you’ll know exactly when to start tracking how well this change is working to your advantage (you know, to see if it boosts your numbers). All because you’ll get a notification that confirms whether or not you’ve been accepted into the verified ranks.

why verify a franchise client's facebook page


Finally, you’ll be able to say hello to attracting even more visitors to your client’s business page!

4. Gets you “VIP” access to any fresh Facebook features.

It’s a natural human instinct to want to be a part of the “inner circle.” Especially as it relates to being informed of any changes and upgrades Facebook makes to its platform—from advertising features and tools, algorithms, and more.

And, what you don’t want is to be behind on these updates and upgrades when they announce they’re “rolling out” something new for “some users” to try. Thus, leaving your client’s Facebook page in the dust.

But, that’s where yet another benefit of verifying their Facebook page comes into play. You’ll automatically join the social media platform’s inner circle! What I mean by that is you’ll be put on the list to get the inside scoop whenever the latest and greatest features are released, and even be a guinea pig for a new rollout. Talk about a serious win for not just your client, but also your ad agency.

Convinced now? I thought so. But, how can you get it done in a matter of minutes?

The last thing you want is to add another to-do to your list, which is already pretty lengthy. For that reason, I’m going to save you some time and walk you through the simple steps to quickly verify your franchise client’s local business page.

But, before you actually take the time to work through them, just be sure your client’s receptionist or office manager is available to take the call from Facebook and jot down the verification code. It’ll make things that much easier for you—I promise. That is, if you choose to go that route (FYI: there are two verification options).

So, without further ado, here’s how to achieve verified status in no time!

1. Click Settings at the top of your client’s page.

2. From General, click Page Verification.

why verify a franchise client's facebook page

3. Click Verify this Page to get Started

why verify a franchise client's facebook page

4. Enter a publicly listed telephone number for your business, your country, and your language. I’m about to share another option here soon if you prefer to go a different route.

why verify a franchise client's facebook page

5. Click Call Me Now to allow Facebook to give your client’s place of business an automated call with a verification code.

6. Enter the 4-digit verification code and click Continue.

why verify a franchise client's facebook page

If you prefer to eliminate the need for a phone call altogether, you can choose to verify the page using a business document provided by your client.

why verify a franchise client's facebook page

why verify a franchise client's facebook page

A list of acceptable digital documents include:

  • Utility or phone bill sent to the business
  • A business license
  • A business tax file
  • Certificate of formation
  • Articles of incorporation

If that seems like the easiest option of the two, all you’ll need to do is follow the same steps listed above for the call option, but click Verify this Page with documents instead at the bottom left of the window that appears on the screen. Then, upload a picture of an official document showing your client’s business name and address.

Once Facebook receives your verification code or business document, it’ll review the information submitted to confirm it matches public records. Then, it’ll send you a notification or email about your verification status within a few days. A painless process to reap multiple rewards!

The bottom line is, you can help your franchise client stand out from the crowd of millions of other Facebook pages. All by simply taking the steps shared here today to add a simple grey or blue checkmark to their page. So, what are you waiting for? Add this task to your to-do list to take your client to verified status right away!

Best of all, if you find yourself craving more of what was shared here, and help navigating the Facebook advertising waters, we’ve got just the thing: AdversionDigital an ever-evolving ad strategy course surrounding the popular social media platform.

HOW TO USE A LOCAL FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE TO LAND CLIENTS FROM A DISTANCE https://adversiondigital.com/how-to-use-a-local-facebook-event-page-to-land-clients-from-a-distance/ Mon, 24 Sep 2018 12:44:00 +0000 https://adversiondigital.com/?p=232 We all want to harness clients in a targeted area but the most challenging part of acquiring new contacts is simply how to start the conversation in an organic way. What if we told you that we’ve cracked the code on how to not only spark a conversation but a RELATIONSHIP with the very clients in your niche remotely? You may think we’re crazy, but hear us out. It’s as simple as creating and utilizing a local Facebook event page.

To build remote relationships in business you’ll need to first adjust your focus from solely gaining clients to serving your constituents. Equipped with this mindset to serve the community you’ll be able to properly land clients from a distance though a local Facebook event page. Think about it this way – you’re going to create THE hub for local community events on Facebook.

This will attract people who rely on your weekly roundup of local happenings. Once you’ve got a dedicated group of event-focused individuals following your posts, you’ll offer businesses the opportunity to have their event highlighted in a space that already serves event goers. Makes total sense, right? Think of this as the best way to get your foot in the door with businesses you want to work with most. Once your value is proven (through consistent and cost-free exposure), making your pitch is the easy part. Let’s get to it!


The Local Client Airstrike: How to Use a Facebook Event Page to Land Clients From a Distance

Step 1. Build An Asset with a Local Facebook Event Page


As actual face time takes center stage in place of screen time, community members are seeking real human connection. Offer the community in which you’re aiming to land clients remotely a general hub of events to follow on Facebook.

One way to do this is by creating a local Facebook event page. To do so, complete research to niche down on the type of client and location for which  you want to build and scale your agency from. From there, complete the following steps to set up the Facebook event page, build  base content and complete a weekly event roundup.


The Local Client Airstrike: How to Use a Facebook Event Page to Land Clients From a Distance

Local Facebook Event Page Set Up


  1. Set Up the Facebook Event Page: To create the Facebook page, click here. Select “Create a Page,” and select “Community” further specified by selecting “Website” from the category dropdown menu. Next, name the event page in the following order to include the location name followed by “Area Events & News.” An example of this would be, “Las Vegas Area Events & News.” This part is super important as Facebook made recent changes to the algorithm to take a more community-focused approach. Think less news feed spam and more of what you actually want to see. Pages that focus on community events, like the one you’re creating, we receive more visibility as a result of the update. Finally, use Canva to create the profile and cover photos for the page. Ensure that the profile picture contains text that is identical to the event page name to promote consistency. And just like that you’ve set up a magnet for local event-goers. Now, let’s get some content on the page so community members can being to like, comment and share what they find.
  2. Build Base Content (5-10 posts): Once the page is properly set up, it’s important to build base content by featuring local events that are already created on your page. This way, people who find your page can engage (and that’s always the goal!). Click here to view events that already exist on Facebook. Click “Discover” on the left hand side and designate the location for which your page is set up.Next, choose 5-10 events to share on your page. You can pick any! These event don’t have to appeal to a certain gender, age range or interest. You want everyone to look at your page so select an array of events to share. To do so, hover over the event title and copy/paste the link into a post on your event page. Once the link generates the event preview, delete the link and select “Publish.” Although base content is very easy to compile it builds credibility for your page. And credibility will keep those people referring to your event page time and time again!
  3. Complete a Weekly Event Roundup: After your event page contains base content, next you’ll want to generate a weekly event roundup. Create a event roundup image in Canva. This image will trigger your loyal community member’s memory every time they see it, so make sure it’s good! We want them immediately click on that image which provides with their week of plans!Spend time compiling all the week’s events into one post on your event page. This is where true value will be created on your page. Why you ask? It’s updated weekly which encourages community members to check back often. This page will become the go-to resource for local events. This my friends, is how you get local businesses interested. Let’s build an audience before we get ahead of ourselves!

The Local Client Airstrike: How to Use a Facebook Event Page to Land Clients From a Distance

Build an Audience on Your Facebook Event Page

Page growth is pivotal for your local event page. Without an audience, you don’t really have a reason to post. Remember the very beginning of this post? If you need a refresh, we agreed that this local event page is intended to serve the community. We need a community to serve on our local Facebook event page.  You can build that community through two separate Facebook advertisements that focus specifically on user engagement. Brand Awareness Ads and Boosted Posts will give your page the extra push it needs to build an audience quickly. Let’s break down these advertisements types, set up and what they’ll accomplish.


  • Brand Awareness: To set up a Facebook advertisement focused specifically on increasing page likes, click here. Select “Create Ad” then choose Brand Awareness Ad. To complete set up, select your location based within a 25 mile radius of the page’s location. Then set demographics and select “News Feed” placement to finish. This advertisement isn’t a requirement but rather a supplement to expand the reach of the boosted post which we’ll discuss next. Think of this ad as the icing on the cake, and the cake is a boosted post. We all know the cake is nothing without the icing!
  • Boosted Post: Now go to your local Facebook event page and locate the current weekly roundup, select “Boost Post.” Generate a new audience by setting the location, age range, and demographics as we did above. Run this ad for 7 days only. Your weekly roundup is only relevant within that time frame. Once boosted, you will begin to see that through this weekly boosted post, page likes and engagement will increase.

Equipped with synchronized and strategic advertisements, page growth will prosper. Furthermore, the weekly need to update the boosted roundup will give you a reoccuring reason to call your clients. This conversation starter, which so many of us struggle with, is made super easy through a the local Facebook event page. See, we told you this low-maintenance Facebook page could pay off in a big way! Once your page has harnessed 500-1,000 likes, it’s time to start calling businesses.


The Local Client Airstrike: How to Use a Facebook Event Page to Land Clients From a Distance

Step 2. Offer Local Businesses a Deal

As more people like, comment and share about events from your local Facebook event page, the value is established. That value gives you the ability to offer community businesses a feature, for free, in your weekly roundup. It’s a simple as asking what event or current promotion they’d like to place in front of your event-focused audience. Here’s how to offer local businesses a deal on your local Facebook event page:


How to Contact Businesses in Your Niche


  1. Cold Call Niche Businesses- Remember the niche client and market that you determined prior to setting up this page? Now is the time to pull out that list of businesses to give them a call. You have to call them first to make initial contact. Once you have their email address, correspondence can translate online. But first, here’s how the initial call should go: introduce yourself, remember the name of the person who answers the phone, explain that you run a local Facebook page focused on providing events and news to the area and that you’d like to highlight any events or promotions they currently have for free.The response will go one of two ways, but both options offer the opportunity to retain an email address for future communication. Once you have the email address, thank them by name and begin building your relationship with the gatekeeper of the business (ie. the person you had the pleasure of speaking with). They’re the most important person to you at that business from start to finish- remember that! Let’s chat about the gatekeeper next.
  2. Build Relationship with Gatekeeper- Follow up communication is key to gaining favor in the eyes of the business gatekeeper. Follow up using personalized emails as you’re focused on building relationships. In our experience, relationships don’t prosper on an email with 50 other people cc’d. Email your contact, address them by name (this shows your cared to remember!), and explain about the local Facebook event page in which you’d like to feature their business.Further inquire about what you can include for them in the current week’s roundup. Your correspondence and kindness toward the gatekeeper will determine your future with that client. If you were in their shoes you’d like to work with someone who is kind, mindful and consistent. Be those things to each gatekeeper you encounter and watch each relationship prosper.
  3. Consistent Contact- Due to the fact that the event roundup expires week after week, you’ll have the opportunity to be in touch with the gatekeeper of the business just as often. Continual communication keeps your event page front of mind as you help spread the word about their business to a captive audience. Herein your page is displaying vast value to not only those who follow but participating businesses as well. This is truly the definition of a win-win situation!


The Local Client Airstrike: How to Use a Facebook Event Page to Land Clients From a Distance


Step 3. Convert Business Relationships into Clients


With cultivated and meaningful business relationships underway with the gatekeeper, the conversion from business contact to client is up next! To successfully tackle converting those contacts into clients, first take note of which gatekeepers have been the most responsive to your communications. Once on a first name basis (for some this may take a week and for others it could be a month or beyond), this key indicator will help you narrow down the ideal list of clients to work with. Below are somes applicable ways to approach converting those contacts to clients.


“Have you guys ever tried” Statement


  • “Have you guys ever tried” Statement- These businesses know and hopefully love you as you’ve offered them free promotion of their events for a continued period of time. Now it is okay to pitch your services as they KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you. Simply ask your contact either via email or over the phone, “have you ever tried to advertise teeth whitening specifically to brides on Facebook?” Insert an objective relative to the niche and businesses you’ve been serving.
    Next, offer to send a video depicting how your services can help them accomplish the specific objective. Why would they watch your pitch? Because you’re familiar and you’ve provided them with a resource to reach potential clients through your local Facebook event page. The groundwork has already been laid in the valuable work you’ve put in leading up to sending the pitch. Let’s discuss curating a demo video next to help you land that remote client.
  • Share Strategic Proposal- To create a video demo use editing software such as ScreenFlow or Camtasia to produce a professional video. Begin by walking through the steps of running a Facebook ad including the funnels, ads you’ll run and results your other clients are seeing from your work. You will then film a personalized introduction speaking directly to the contact, business and stated objective that you mentioned in the “Have you guys tried” statement.Finally, film a personalized outro including the invite for them to call or email you back with questions to continue to conversation further. Stitch these three video elements into one video and send it!
